Certificate Program For HR Generalists

Live Workshop | Get Up Education | From: May 11, 2020 - To: Dec 31, 2020

Training Options & Pricing

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Recording     $2199
DVD     $2219
Recording + DVD     $2399
Transcript (Pdf)     $2199
Recording & Transcript (Pdf)     $2389
DVD & Transcript (Pdf)     $2399


At Last - A Program That Covers The Functions Of Human Resources Management!

As an HR Generalist, you are expected to be an expert in every human resource function, including everything from hiring to compensation to payroll to performance management to the numerous employment laws such as the FMLA, ADA, COBRA, FLSA, IRCA, and many more.

Not only do you need to have a strong knowledge base in all areas, but even more importantly, you need to be able to apply your knowledge to the daily situations that arise in your workplace.

Gain Knowledge About HR Manager Responsibilities And The Duties Of HR Managers

This course has been designed to cover the functions of human resource management and to provide you with practical solutions to the HR challenges you confront every day. You'll learn the key duties of an HR manager and get the vital knowledge you need to succeed - plus the critical strategies to perfect your HR skills.

Learning Objectives:-

This intensive, three-day training program includes 14 information-packed sessions - plus Interactive Exercises - covering everything you need to excel as and HR Generalist. Here are some of the things you'll learn/benefit from:

  • Understanding HR's role within the organization to add maximum value
  • How to create a strategically-aligned HR department to drive organizational results
  • Strategies for identifying and overcoming the current challenges in the HR profession
  • Learning what to do to improve HR's brand image within the organization
  • Employer obligations regarding when to conduct workplace investigations
  • Common laws that create additional "boundaries" in the contemporary workplace
  • Understanding today's "must-have" company policies to minimize the risk of litigation
  • Understanding your compliance obligations regarding FMLA, ADA, COBRA, and more
  • Implementing strategies to control and investigate FMLA abuse
  • Learning how to handle personal time off (PTO), vacation, sick pay, and workers' compensation
  • Handling "sticky issues" such as declining employee performance, absenteeism, and unreasonable requests
  • Recruiting: what's working - and what's not
  • Contemporary strategies for employee on-boarding - knowing how and when to leverage technology in the process
  • Learning how to conduct a thorough needs analysis to determine if training is even the answer
  • Common organizational mistakes in developing training programs and how to avoid them
  • Learning the critical steps in developing a training project: from initial scope to evaluation of the program
  • Learning why clear, measurable, aligned objectives are the keys to training program success
  • Understanding contemporary strategies in designing compensation systems
  • Learning why variable compensation is growing in popularity
  • Understanding how to create an effective benefits survey to obtain valuable data
  • Understanding what is working - and not working - in performance management
  • Beyond reviews: understanding the action steps to effectively manage employee performance
  • Learning how to identify the issues HR owns vs. what the leadership team owns
  • Identifying strategies to coach, mentor, and develop supervisors and managers to facilitate more positive employee relations
  • Your HR Career: where do you go from here?


This comprehensive three-day seminar and workshop have been designed to provide you with practical solutions to the HR challenges you confront every day. By attending, you will discover the vital employment law knowledge you need - plus the critical strategies to perfect your HR skills.

You receive:

  • 14 information-packed sessions covering everything you need to excel as and HR Generalist, plus
  • Interactive workshops to test your new knowledge


DAY 1 (Monday, May 11, 2020, 10:00 AM EST - 06:00 PM EST)

Exploring The HR Profession – And Understanding HR’s Role

  • Identify HR’s current challenges
  • Strategies for overcoming these challenges
  • Define HR’s role within the organization to add maximum value
  • Steps to create a strategically-aligned HR function
  • How to strengthen your relationship as a Strategic Business Partner
  • Create efficiencies using HR technology

Interactive Exercise:

  • How To Influence The Boss - And Keep The Organization Out Of Trouble

Employee Relations: The Framework For A High-Performing Organization

  • The basic principles for a high-performing organization
  • The Importance Of Clear Policies
  • Key trends affecting employee relations
  • The root cause of employee complaints
  • Skills to "push back" on issues HR doesn’t own
  • Techniques to encourage employees to manage their peer and supervisory relationships
  • How HR’s involvement can tread on other’s turf - creating additional conflict
  • Strategies to coach, mentor, and develop supervisors and managers to facilitate positive employee relations

Interactive Exercise:

  • Concern Or Complaint? Identifying Who Owns What

Labor & Employment Law: Understanding Your Compliance Requirements

  • Understanding the significant changes in labor and employment law since 1990
  • Recognizing how retaliation impacts the regulatory environment
  • Understanding harassment, discrimination, and retaliation under Title VII
  • Defining hostile work environment harassment
  • Understanding the challenge of Religious Accommodations
  • Understanding employer obligations regarding when to conduct workplace investigations

Interactive Exercise:

  • Connecting Misconduct With EEO laws

The Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) And ADA Amendments Act

  • Understanding the definition of a qualified disability under the ADAAA
  • Understanding your compliance obligations and how to avoid legal land mines
  • Learning how to create ADA-compliant job descriptions to minimize the risk of discrimination claims
  • Dealing with the balancing act of providing reasonable accommodations while also managing the business
  • Handling “sticky issues” such as declining employee performance, absenteeism, and unreasonable requests

Interactive Exercise:

  • Reasonable Accommodation

DAY 2 (Tuesday, May 12, 2020, 10:00 AM EST - 06:00 PM EST)

The Family & Medical Leave Act (FMLA)

  • Understanding your compliance obligations under the FMLA
  • Learning how to handle personal time off (PTO), vacation, sick pay, and workers’ compensation
  • Learning the basics of documentation
  • Dealing with the challenges and headaches of FMLA documentation
  • Best practices for managing intermittent FMLA abuse
  • Strategies for investigating FMLA abuse
  • How to avoid the most common mistakes made in managing FMLA

Common-Law Basics

  • Retaliation: Review of Supreme Court case that has redefined retaliation—and how to avoid retaliation claims
  • Negligence: How to avoid claims of negligent hiring, supervision, retention, and investigation
  • Defamation and Privacy: How to handle electronic communications and employee use—and abuse—of social media
  • Understanding today’s “must-have” company policies to minimize the risk of litigation

The National Labor Relations Act (NLRA)

  • Understanding your compliance obligations under the NLRA
  • Learning the union organizing process from Excelsior List to Secret Ballot
  • Determining what type of employee behavior is—and is not protected
  • Understanding how to handle disciplinary proceedings when union employees request representation
  • Developing avoidance strategies and what to do if you spot unionizing activities

The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)

  • Understanding your compliance obligations under the FLSA
  • Learning the top five mistakes employers make regarding wage and hour issues
  • Learning the process for worker classification: Exempt or Non-Exempt?
  • The difference between "employees" and "independent contractors"
  • Understanding the legal risks in mis-classifying workers — and what to do if you have misclassified a worker
  • Understanding how to avoid non-exempt overtime calculation mistakes

Interactive Exercise:

  • Exempt Or Non-Exempt?

Talent Acquisition Compliance

  • Minimizing the risk of negligent hiring—conducting thorough background checks
  • Current issues regarding the conducting of employee background checks
  • Understanding the do’s and don’ts of applicant screening to avoid FCRA violations
  • How to handle applicants who have been arrested or have a criminal conviction
  • Understanding your compliance obligations under the Immigration Reform & Control Act (IRCA)
  • Learning how to accurately complete an I-9 document to determine worker identity and eligibility
  • Identifying why I-9’s really is a “big deal” and must be done correctly
  • Understanding I-9 Retention Requirements
  • Understanding I-9 and General HR Recordkeeping

Interactive Exercise:

  • How To Avoid Common I-9 Mistakes


DAY 3 (Wednesday, May 13, 2020, 10:00 AM EST - 06:00 PM EST)

Best Practices In Talent Acquisition: How To Get The Best Talent

  • Understanding Job Design and why a poor design = bad hires
  • Understanding where to find top talent and passive job seekers
  • Using an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) to improve efficiency and effectiveness
  • Implementing screening processes that accelerate the hiring process and minimizes the loss of top applicants
  • Learning the most effective interview processes to hire the right talent for the right positions
  • Understanding how to work with search firms and staffing agencies
  • Ensuring the interview questions you ask are not creating legal liability

Orientation And On-Boarding: Your Strategy For Retaining Talent And Creating Top Performers

  • Understanding why most orientation programs are ineffective in retaining talent
  • Learning how to create a strategic orientation program that drives results and an ROI for the organization
  • Setting performance expectations—from Day 1—and introducing new hires to performance measurements
  • Learning how to create a sense of affiliation and reduce new hire anxiety
  • Contemporary strategies for employee on-boarding – knowing how and when to leverage technology in the process
  • Learning how to involve leadership in the on-boarding process—and why HR should not own the entire process

Compensation / Total Rewards: Developing Pay Practices That Attract And Retain Top Talent

  • Understanding the Total Rewards model
  • Understanding contemporary strategies in designing compensation systems
  • Learning why variable compensation is growing in popularity
  • Understanding how to implement “checks and balances” with variable compensation plans
  • Identifying issues such as salary compression and how to handle pay inequity issues
  • Learning total rewards strategies – Work-life programs, employee development, performance management, and creating career opportunities

Performance Management: It’s A Lot More Than “Check The Box” On Annual Reviews

  • Learning contemporary strategies that are revolutionizing the performance review process
  • Understanding what’s working - and not working - in performance management
  • Utilizing key performance management tools, including coaching, counseling and progressive discipline
  • What the At-Will employment doctrine really means
  • Understanding behavioral competencies, behavioral anchors, and why calibration is critical
  • How to get leaders involved in the process and buy-in that managing performance really is their job

Interactive Exercise:

  • Transforming Performance Management

Program Wrap-Up: Developing your HR Career

  • Determine the current level of career satisfaction using the career continuum tool
  • Understanding your current role and what it will take for you to be more strategic
  • How to effectively plan your HR career and how to leverage your resources
  • Beyond the Program: Creating a personal and professional action plan to get you from here to there