Patient Communication: Part of the Medical Record, or not? Does Confidentiality Still Apply?
Recorded Webinar | Mark Brengelman | From: Mar 17, 2025 - To: Dec 31, 2025
This advanced webinar provides an overview of medical records with a brief examination of what is or is not required for a health care practitioner to document. Next, this webinar will discuss sources of medical record-keeping requirements in addition to the usual state law sources of requirements for various health care professions.
We next focus on whether and how HIPAA applies to the content of the record for a patient communication, and what constitutes patient communications – what are they and where do they come from, such as e-mails and texts? The focus continues with reviewing HIPAA protections as applied to those e-mails and texts.
In addition, this webinar goes into detail about patient portals and the integration of the medical record with all information that may be flowing into and out of a patient portal from a health care provider.
Finally, we examine state laws with the perspective of whether the health care practitioner must include those patient communications in the patient’s medical record. Even if the answer is no, should the health care provider include such patient communications in the patient’s medical record? Is there harm in not doing so? Is there harm in doing so, especially when medical records are so largely electronic, and saving a copy of an e-mail or a text seems easy?
Health care practitioners need to know the basic issues of medical records and patient communications so as to follow federal and state law, where applicable. From years of the application of laws to medical records, reporting, and writing by the HHS, the remainder of the webinar will detail the top Frequently Asked Questions health care practitioners need to know.
Erase the fear, uncertainty, and doubt about what specifically you need to know about the top issues of patient communications to be documented, or not, in the patient medical record, that health care practitioners face.
Learning Objectives:-
This advanced webinar will answer the questions of whether patient communications are required to be in the patient medical record, whether required by state law or required by other sources of record-keeping requirements.
Webinar Highlights:-
Who Should Attend:-
Health care attorneys; corporate compliance officers in health care; medical records staff of medical offices and health care entities; hospital attorneys; health care practitioners who are covered entities; law enforcement officers in health care compliance; state boards and agencies with jurisdiction over state licenses to practice a health care profession.